Regular Sale
Saturdays at Noon
Selling all classes of livestock
Commission rates $20.00 per hd
1.50 yardage
On feeder cattle
Cows / Bulls / Pairs
3.5% of gross sales
16.50 min.charge for cows
24.00 min charge for bulls/ cow calf pairs
Regular Saturday sales cows and bulls are 3%.
Sale order:
- Baby calves or bucket calves are 1st
- Followed by feeder cattle that are sold by the pound
- After that are bulls
- Then on to pairs and bred cows
- Followed by weigh cows
- Unloading hours are Friday 8:00am – 8:30pm and Saturday from 7:00am until the sale is over.
How to Get the Most Money for your Cattle
Wean Vaccination Specials are on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
Special Cow & Bull Sale
3rd Tuesday Night of the Month at 6:30pm
***No Special Cow & Bull Sale in June and July**
3% of gross sales
16.50 min on cows
24.00 min on bulls / pairs
1.50 per hd yardage
Sale order:
- Breeding Bulls
- All bulls semen and Trich tested before sale
- Then cows / pairs are sold as consigned
- No special cow and bull sales in June and July unloading hours on Monday from 8am till 6:30 pm and Sale day from 8am till sale time
Sheep / Goat Sale
4th Tuesday Night of the Month at 6:00pm
8.00 per hd
Horses/ donkeys
15% gross sales
1.50 hd yardage
- Sheep and goats are sold in order that they are unloaded
- Unloading hours 8:00am until the sale is over